Everyday Arrangement
This is our large bouquet expertly arranged in a glass or ceramic vase. Perfect gift for a busy host. Flowers and foliage are the designer's choice. Our arrangements take our very best blossoms, branches, and foliage and transform them into a sculptural display that shows off the best attributes of a curated selection.
This is our large bouquet expertly arranged in a glass or ceramic vase. Perfect gift for a busy host. Flowers and foliage are the designer's choice. Our arrangements take our very best blossoms, branches, and foliage and transform them into a sculptural display that shows off the best attributes of a curated selection.
This is our large bouquet expertly arranged in a glass or ceramic vase. Perfect gift for a busy host. Flowers and foliage are the designer's choice. Our arrangements take our very best blossoms, branches, and foliage and transform them into a sculptural display that shows off the best attributes of a curated selection.
Arrangement orders need to be placed at least 2 days in advance. Please email us first if you would like something sooner. We may be able to fulfill it: flowerworkfarm@gmail.com